Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some Things You Should NOT Do To Your Pastor

1. Don't love your pastor more than you love the Lord God.

2. Don't idolize or worship your pastor.  He is neither God nor Messiah.

3. Don't be a living contradiction to the name and person of Jesus Christ in you.
Don't be a hypocrite, trying to convince your pastor that you are "good" and wonderful believer when you are thinking and behaving like the devil.

4. Don't overwork your pastor.  
Don't rely too heavily upon him either.

5. Don't neglect the honor and respect, duty and obedience you owe the pastor in Christ that is concordant with God's Word.

6. Don't kill your pastor.
I could write a book, "1001 Easy Ways to Kill Off Your Pastor!"  Of course, I don't mean physically murdering the minister; though that has happened.  I mean to say, don't murder him by mouth through gossip or slander. Don't beat him into the ground with the innumerable ways people can verbally assault the minister.  It is also possible to over work the pastor or place too much stress upon him.

7. Don't allow your pastor or put your pastor in a situation that could tempt him or provoke him to immoral, unchaste thoughts, words, or deeds.

8. Don't steal from your pastor.
Don't rob him of his devotional time, study time, down time, family time, or vacation time.  Don't rob him of the double honor he is due.  Pay him well so that he may be free from material concerns. Don't forbid him to exercise his God-given talents and gifts. Too often ministers are pressured or commanded not to do the things they are talented, equipped or find pleasure in doing.

9. Don't injure the pastor's good name, and don't lie to him.

10. Don't covet another pastor when you have God's minister in your midst; and do not compare or contrast him with other pastors, especially high profile, popular ones.
Here is a quick way to discourage or defeat your pastor: compare him with another minister or leader.  It doesn't matter who.  It could be a previous pastor, a celebrity, or even a famous dead one.  Just don't compare!  It's demeaning and demoralizing when you communicate that your pastor isn't like Pastor X in preaching, or Pastor Y in serving, or Pastor Z in personality.  If you love that other minister so much that you have little room for the pastor the Lord has provided you and your church, then pack your bags and go where your hero is serving.

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